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Activity data of abropekisch

Total distance: 28 103,46 km Number of activities: 2998x abropekisch
Total duration: 110d 17:06:12

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Title Distance Duration Pace Type Elapsed time Elev. Energy avg. HR max. HR VO2max VO2max TRIMP Stride length Ground contact Vertical oscillation Temp. Splits GCB Equipment Windchill CS
17.04  Mon CL 13Km @4.54 13,50 km 1:05:57 4:53/km CL 1:05:57 38 m 776 kcal 137 bpm 144 bpm 57,36 102 1,20 m 227 ms 10,7 cm 16 °C 50,0L/50,1R % Asics Gel-Cumulus 21 16 °C 0,0
Stretching 33:38 44:28 157 kcal 33
18.04  Tue CL 8Km @4.40 8,16 km 38:03 4:40/km CL 56:56 22 m 487 kcal 141 bpm 153 bpm 58,35 67 1,22 m 214 ms 10,2 cm 18 °C 50,0L/50,0R % Mizuno Wave Rider 24 18 °C 0,0
19' andature 19:00 0:00 279 kcal 18 19 °C 19 °C
Potenziamento 19:45 19:45 148 kcal 113 bpm 140 bpm 16
19.04  Wed CL 9Km @4.53 9,12 km 44:31 4:53/km CL 44:55 43 m 548 kcal 136 bpm 143 bpm 58,15 69 1,19 m 225 ms 10,4 cm 15 °C 50,1L/49,9R % Mizuno Wave Rider 24 15 °C 0,0
20.04  Thu CL 14Km @4.56 14,04 km 1:09:08 4:55/km CL 1:14:26 49 m 772 kcal 134 bpm 152 bpm 58,58 99 1,18 m 220 ms 10,5 cm 12 °C 49,9L/50,1R % Puma Velocity Nitro 12 °C 0,0
Stretching 26:38 34:13 124 kcal 26
21.04  Fri CL 13Km @4.45 13,57 km 1:04:16 4:44/km CL 1:04:40 50 m 852 kcal 143 bpm 155 bpm 56,20 119 1,23 m 219 ms 10,7 cm 20 °C 49,9L/50,1R % Asics Gel-Cumulus 21 20 °C 0,0
22.04  Sat CM 10 Km @4.06 - ... 14,20 km 1:00:38 4:16/km CM 1:00:38 58 m 866 kcal 153 bpm 169 bpm 57,83 146 1,33 m 207 ms 10,1 cm 18 °C 49,7L/50,3R % Puma Velocity Nitro 18 °C 0,0
23.04  Sun
6x Corsa 72,59 km 5:42:33 4:43/km 6:07:32 260 m 4 301 kcal 140 bpm 169 bpm 57,69 602 1,22 m 218 ms 10,4 cm 16 °C 49,9L/50,1R %
2x Stretching 1:00:16 1:18:41 281 kcal 59
1x Potenziamento 19:45 19:45 148 kcal 113 bpm 140 bpm 16
1x Pliometria 19:00 0:00 279 kcal 18 19 °C

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