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Activity data of mcrestini

Total distance: 24 226,68 km Number of activities: 3800x mcrestini
Total duration: 109d 22:15:20

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Type Time Distance Duration Pace Elev. Energy avg. HR VO2max VO2max VO2max (file) Recovery time HRV TRIMP Temp. Splits Title CS RR HR
08.08  Mon 11:02 6,4 km 40:03 6:14/km 21 m 475 kcal 128 bpm 41,96 52,36 40h 63 33 °C Roma - 40' Recupe... 0,0 30 brpm
09.08  Tue 07:07 9,2 km 51:19 5:33/km 35 m 639 kcal 130 bpm 47,34 52,38 31h 86 22 °C Roma - CL easy 50' 0,0 31 brpm
10.08  Wed 07:11 10,0 km 51:18 5:07/km 16 m 654 kcal 133 bpm 50,56 52,42 34h 94 22 °C Roma - Rip [20'WU... 0,0 32 brpm
08:09 0,7 km 3:59 5:27/km 2 m 50 kcal 131 bpm 47,94 52,42 34h 7 23 °C Defaticamento 0,0 33 brpm
11.08  Thu 09:51 6,4 km 38:05 5:57/km 25 m 460 kcal 125 bpm 45,90 52,42 21h 56 28 °C Roma - 38' Jogging 0,0 34 brpm
12.08  Fri 07:54 13,3 km 1:10:03 5:17/km 18 m 900 kcal 134 bpm 48,13 52,47 36h 129 23 °C Roma - CL 1h 10' 0,0 31 brpm
13.08  Sat 10:58 6,9 km 41:28 6:00/km 37 m 499 kcal 125 bpm 45,54 52,52 21h 60 23 °C Roma - 7k Jogging 0,0 35 brpm
14.08  Sun 08:04 16,7 km 1:27:07 5:14/km 22 m 1.137 kcal 131 bpm 50,32 52,58 38h 151 22 °C Roma - CL 16K7 0,0 36 brpm
09:38 1,6 km 8:13 5:06/km 3 m 108 kcal 135 bpm 50,01 52,59 43h 15 24 °C Defaticamento 0,0 33 brpm
9x Corsa 71,3 km 6:31:35 5:30/km 179 m 4.922 kcal 130 bpm 47,75 52,47 661 24 °C 32 brpm

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