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Activity data of ziko303

Total distance: 29 309,48 km Number of activities: 4759x ziko303
Total duration: 142d 23:39:05

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Type Distance Duration Pace Energy avg. HR max. HR VO2max VO2max VO2max (file) Recovery time HRV TRIMP Cadence Temp. Splits Title GCB Wind RPE CS EI RE Pace HR
29.01  Mon 33:52 108 kcal 82 bpm 107 bpm 50,06 5h 8 59 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
ELE 7,0 km 44:04 6:18/km 475 kcal 140 bpm 156 bpm 41,57 50,06 18h 59 174 spm Bieg na bieżni 46,8L/53,3R % 13 0,64 0,80
12:09 39 kcal 82 bpm 95 bpm 50,06 18h 3 51 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
30.01  Tue 24:28 68 kcal 77 bpm 99 bpm 50,06 7h 5 57 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
32:15 76 kcal 73 bpm 105 bpm 50,06 5 54 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
31.01  Wed DWB 15,0 km 1:26:57 5:48/km 1 085 kcal 153 bpm 183 bpm 40,99 49,85 49h 163 176 spm 6 °C BD 87' 46,1L/53,9R % 2 16 0,0 0,65 0,81
13:51 50 kcal 86 bpm 108 bpm 49,99 48h 4 52 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
01.02  Thu 26:10 79 kcal 81 bpm 105 bpm 49,99 34h 6 66 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
38:28 131 kcal 85 bpm 112 bpm 49,99 21h 10 62 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
02.02  Fri ELE 8,0 km 52:02 6:30/km 518 kcal 142 bpm 164 bpm 39,20 49,99 17h 74 166 spm 10x2'/2' bieżnia 47,9L/52,1R % 15 0,69 0,86
15:35 52 kcal 85 bpm 110 bpm 49,99 17h 4 50 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
03.02  Sat BS+PŻ 9,0 km 51:42 5:44/km 659 kcal 157 bpm 175 bpm 39,90 49,83 39h 100 178 spm 9 °C BS 51'+przyśpiesz... 46,6L/53,4R % 5 15 0,0 0,65 0,81
11:22 43 kcal 86 bpm 111 bpm 49,95 38h 3 58 rpm Stretching Ćwicze...
04.02  Sun
4x Bieganie 39,0 km 3:54:45 6:01/km 2 737 kcal 149 bpm 183 bpm 40,46 49,92 396 172 spm 7 °C 46,7L/53,3R %
9x Inny 3:28:10 646 kcal 81 bpm 112 bpm 50,02 48 57 rpm

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