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Schwimmen: Schwimmbadschwimmen


Elapsed time


Distance Time Pace diff
1. 0,53 km 14:26 2:45/100m +0:13/100m
2. 0,00 km 0:49
3. 0,50 km 12:54 2:35/100m +0:23/100m
4. 0,00 km 2:01
5. 0,50 km 13:55 2:47/100m +0:11/100m
6. 0,00 km 1:41
7. 0,50 km 13:51 2:46/100m +0:12/100m
8. 0,00 km 1:10
9. 0,50 km 14:15 2:51/100m +0:07/100m
Average (total) 2:58/100m


Distance Time Swolf Strokes Type
1. 25m 0:34 49 15 Freestyle
2. 50m 0:38 53 15 Freestyle
3. 75m 0:36 50 14 Freestyle
4. 100m 0:33 47 14 Freestyle
5. 125m 0:40 55 15 Freestyle
6. 150m 0:41 58 17 Freestyle
7. 175m 0:41 58 17 Freestyle
8. 200m 0:43 60 17 Freestyle
9. 225m 0:35 49 14 Freestyle
10. 250m 0:39 56 17 Freestyle
11. 275m 0:33 47 14 Freestyle
12. 300m 0:37 53 16 Freestyle
13. 325m 0:45 64 19 Freestyle
14. 350m 0:40 58 18 Freestyle
15. 375m 0:41 58 17 Freestyle
16. 400m 0:44 61 17 Freestyle
17. 425m 0:20 26 6 Breast
18. 450m 0:30 42 12 Freestyle
19. 475m 0:39 57 18 Freestyle
20. 500m 1:00 76 16 Breast
21. 525m 0:45 62 17 Freestyle
22. 550m 0:43 64 21 Breast
23. 575m 0:38 56 18 Breast
24. 600m 0:45 66 21 Breast
25. 625m 0:38 56 18 Breast
26. 650m 0:50 73 23 Breast
27. 675m 0:37 55 18 Breast
28. 700m 0:53 76 23 Breast
29. 725m 0:35 50 15 Freestyle
30. 750m 0:40 57 17 Freestyle
31. 775m 0:42 60 18 Freestyle
32. 800m 0:44 61 17 Freestyle
33. 825m 0:41 57 16 Freestyle
34. 850m 0:59 81 22 Breast
35. 875m 0:13 17 4 Breast
36. 900m 0:27 38 11 Freestyle
37. 925m 0:50 72 22 Breast
38. 950m 0:10 14 4 Breast
39. 975m 0:27 38 11 Freestyle
40. 1000m 0:46 68 22 Breast
41. 1025m 0:37 52 15 Freestyle
42. 1050m 0:39 58 19 Breast
43. 1075m 0:37 52 15 Freestyle
44. 1100m 0:36 51 15 Freestyle
45. 1125m 0:36 52 16 Freestyle
46. 1150m 0:44 66 22 Breast
47. 1175m 0:40 56 16 Freestyle
48. 1200m 0:52 71 19 Freestyle
49. 1225m 0:37 51 14 Freestyle
50. 1250m 0:44 67 23 Breast
51. 1275m 0:47 65 18 Freestyle
52. 1300m 0:47 69 22 Breast
53. 1325m 0:33 47 14 Freestyle
54. 1350m 0:44 66 22 Breast
55. 1375m 0:44 61 17 Freestyle
56. 1400m 0:47 70 23 Breast
57. 1425m 0:39 54 15 Freestyle
58. 1450m 0:46 64 18 Freestyle
59. 1475m 0:43 64 21 Breast
60. 1500m 0:42 58 16 Freestyle
61. 1525m 0:41 57 16 Freestyle
62. 1550m 0:38 54 16 Freestyle
63. 1575m 0:35 50 15 Freestyle
64. 1600m 0:42 63 21 Breast
65. 1625m 0:39 58 19 Breast
66. 1650m 0:38 53 15 Freestyle
67. 1675m 0:41 58 17 Freestyle
68. 1700m 0:50 73 23 Breast
69. 1725m 0:46 66 20 Breast
70. 1750m 0:39 55 16 Freestyle
71. 1775m 0:40 56 16 Freestyle
72. 1800m 0:46 67 21 Breast
73. 1825m 0:40 56 16 Freestyle
74. 1850m 0:43 64 21 Breast
75. 1875m 0:41 58 17 Freestyle
76. 1900m 0:40 60 20 Breast
77. 1925m 0:44 62 18 Freestyle
78. 1950m 0:50 73 23 Breast
79. 1975m 0:35 50 15 Freestyle
80. 2000m 0:44 64 20 Breast
81. 2025m 0:42 57 15 Freestyle
82. 2050m 0:43 63 20 Breast
83. 2075m 0:36 51 15 Freestyle
84. 2100m 0:46 64 18 Freestyle
85. 2125m 0:38 57 19 Breast
86. 2150m 0:40 59 19 Breast
87. 2175m 0:45 67 22 Breast
88. 2200m 0:39 56 17 Freestyle
89. 2225m 0:43 63 20 Breast
90. 2250m 0:40 56 16 Freestyle
91. 2275m 0:45 65 20 Breast
92. 2300m 0:41 57 16 Freestyle
93. 2325m 0:44 64 20 Breast
94. 2350m 0:43 61 18 Freestyle
95. 2375m 0:55 76 21 Breast
96. 2400m 0:54 77 23 Breast
97. 2425m 0:32 45 13 Freestyle
98. 2450m 0:44 63 19 Freestyle
99. 2475m 0:44 64 20 Breast
100. 2500m 0:46 68 22 Breast
101. 2525m 0:40 57 17 Freestyle

Pace data

avg. Pace
avg. Speed


Time of day
Stroke rate
Total strokes
Pool length
Garmin Fenix 3


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