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# Heart rate variability Heart rate variability (HRV) is the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats and is measured by the variation in the beat-to-beat interval. It is well known that HRV is directly related to the body's interdependent regulatory systems and can be a powerful measure for an athlete's recovery status.

HRV during exercise

It is best practice to measure you heart rate variability on a daily basis e.g. each morning after waking up while still in bed. Unfortunately, that's not what is contained in all that data you upload to Runalyze. Instead, you go out for a run or a ride and measure your heart rate (and its variability) during exercise.

HRV analysis can be done for HRV during exercise as well but values are less reliable and vary alot between different intensities.

Please be cautious while interpreting your values.

HRV in Runalyze

HRV values in the activity view Runalyze

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