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My Effective VO2max is wrong

The Effective VO2max is an important performance characteristic for runners and is closely related to the scientific VO2max, which can be measured in the laboratory by gas analysis. It is defined from the 10 km time (or by conversion from the race time over any distance) and can be read in tables. It thus corresponds to a combination of the scientific VO2max and the running efficiency. A 10 km time of 40 minutes corresponds to an Effective VO2max of 52 (and likewise 5 km in 19:17, half marathon in 1:28:28, marathon in 3:04:27, see our calculator). Two athletes with the same Effective VO2max will therefore have the same 10 km time. Runalyze estimates for you the "Effective VO2max" also from non-maximal training performances based on the ratio of heart rate and speed.

Please make sure that the following is fulfilled:

  1. You know the [difference between VO2max and Effective VO2max](https://runalyze.com/help

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