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How to report a problem

Please check twice that you provide all needed information when reporting a problem. Inaccurate and unprecise support requests waste a lot of our time - time, that we’d love to put in the development instead.

Before you report a problem:
Check the status page of RUNALYZE

Consider whether other users could benefit from your question or its answer.
Other users may had a similar problem earlier but have not reported it. These would also take the opportunity to comment on a public post.
If this is the case: Please use the RUNALYZE Community at Facebook or our Forum

None of this is the case? Please provide all possible information

  • Please describe your problem as detailed as possible (steps to reproduce your problem)
  • Tell us when the problem happend
  • Add a screenshot if you think it might help us
  • In case of problems with an activity file: Add that file to your report!
  • Tell us which device or app you are using
  • Tell us your device’s firmware if known

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No heu trobat una resposta a la vostra pregunta?

Envieu-nos tots els vostres suggeriments i errades de funcionament que trobeu. Volem fer Runalyze tan bo com sigui possible per a vos. Per això ens cal saber quines són les seves propostes de millora o desitjos. La majoria de qüestions, problemes i idees s'haurien d'adreçar preferentment al fòrum.