Gratuït Supporter Early Premium
27 50 per any, en cobrar-ho anualment o €2,50 per mes, en cobrar-ho mensualment
2 50 per mes, en cobrar-ho mensualment o €27,50 per any, en cobrar-ho anualment
60 per any, en cobrar-ho anualment o €5,50 per mes, en cobrar-ho mensualment
5 50 per mes, en cobrar-ho mensualment o €60 per any, en cobrar-ho anualment
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For athletes that want to enjoy all common features for free. For athletes that want to support RUNALYZE and love to enjoy all common features ad-free. For serious athletes who want to get the most out of their training.
Sincronització automàtica
Performance monitor
VO2max efectiu
Corbes de rendiment
Individual sports, tags, equipment, ...
Sense anuncis
Funcionalitats Beta
Doneu suport a RUNALYZE
Anàlisi: Sessions de qualitat
Anàlisi: Millors segments
Anàlisi: Moving average mileage
Geo explorer: Comptador de rajoles
Personal Route Map
Streaks view
Historic HRV values
Colored tracks
Graf de progressió
Generador de cartells
Capes de mapa
Merchandise discount
- 3% 5%
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Runalyze has been a free service for years and will continue to be so: All current features remain available free of charge. Nevertheless, the many ideas and wishes we have and the ever increasing costs for server and infrastructure make it necessary to introduce a paid version.

Every paying athlete makes it a little bit easier for us to provide the desired support and to keep Runalyze moving forward in the long run. As a "supporter" you enjoy absolute freedom of advertising and early access to new beta features. As a Premium user, you can take advantage of additional unique features to get the most out of your training.

Preguntes freqüents