Hulp en Ondersteuning » FAQ

How does race result suggestions work?

Marking races as such is important
Only then Runalyze can analyze your best times. Runalyze also tries to automatically determine your VO2max correction factor based on your race performance. This correction factor is very important to adjust your Effective VO2max values.

Detected competitions
In the section of your race results you will also find a link to the "Detected competitions". This list shows you all activities for which we have found a possibly matching competition. This way you can quickly add forgotten races. If one of the suggestions is wrong, you can simply remove it.

The basis for this list are all competitions registered in Runalyze. We keep a bigger and bigger list of competitions all over the world. As soon as several race results are entered in one place at the same time, we check this automatic proposal and confirm it. Then, for all other activities where the place and time match, a competition is "detected" and proposed to the users.

Of course, our list willalway

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