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Share your profile or activities

By default, all your data in RUNALYZE is only visible to you and only you. But you can publish individual activities or your athlete page. Check your privacy settings at (“Configuration -> Privacy”). As soon as you have enabled your public athlete page you will see a chain symbol at the databrowser, which will redirect you to your athlete page.

At your “Privacy settings” you will find some widgets you can share on your blog or in forums.

There will be more "Basic" community features in the future within Runalyze. We don't want to be a another social network, but some basic community features are also important for us.

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Envieu-nos tots els vostres suggeriments i errades de funcionament que trobeu. Volem fer Runalyze tan bo com sigui possible per a vos. Per això ens cal saber quines són les seves propostes de millora o desitjos. La majoria de qüestions, problemes i idees s'haurien d'adreçar preferentment al fòrum.