Suport i ajuda » Privacy

Where is my data stored?

Your data will be stored and processed within the EU, mainly in Germany at our Hoster Hetzner and the raw activity data is stored at OVH within the EU.

RUNALYZE uses the Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to send the newsletter. (AWS). For the purpose of sending the newsletter, the e-mail addresses of the users are temporarily (during sending) transmitted to a server (within the EU) of AWS. Further information on Amazon SES and the use and processing of data by AWS is available at and

In addition, an encrypted backup of the user data is stored in AWS S3 or Glacier in order to be able to restore the infrastructure and data in the event of a complete breakdown of our provider.

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No heu trobat una resposta a la vostra pregunta?

Envieu-nos tots els vostres suggeriments i errades de funcionament que trobeu. Volem fer Runalyze tan bo com sigui possible per a vos. Per això ens cal saber quines són les seves propostes de millora o desitjos. La majoria de qüestions, problemes i idees s'haurien d'adreçar preferentment al fòrum.