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Can I publish my running diary?

Runalyze is currently not meant to be a community-like platform. There are (almost) no social features like being friends, giving kudos or commenting activities. Our main focus is on analyzing your training.

Anyway, you can mark single activities as public and share them by publishing its public url or you can publish your entire list of activities. Have a look at your privacy configuration for detailed information. Furthermore, you can export any activity as html snippet or iframe or share its link on twitter/facebook.

In addition, you can follow athletes (if they have a public profile) via RSS feed. Click on the RSS icon to get to the RSS feed.

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Envieu-nos tots els vostres suggeriments i errades de funcionament que trobeu. Volem fer Runalyze tan bo com sigui possible per a vos. Per això ens cal saber quines són les seves propostes de millora o desitjos. La majoria de qüestions, problemes i idees s'haurien d'adreçar preferentment al fòrum.