Помощь и поддержка » Features

Feature overview

## Privacy By default all your data is private and belongs to you. But, if you want to, you can share single activities or an overview of all your activities.

No shared data

We do not share or sell your data. It is very important for us to protect your sensitive activity data. We create internal anonymised evaluations to improve the quality of our prognosis and calculations. But again: We are not interested in selling your data.


TRIMP principle

TRIMP is short for Training Impulse and gives you the opportunity to compare activities of different intensity levels based on this value.

Effective VO2max estimation

VO2max is a scientific metric for the maximal oxygen uptake that is highly correlated with your maximal running performance. In addition to common calculators that estimate VO2max based on a race result, we estimate your effective VO2max for every activity based on the relation of your heart rate and pace. For more details, see VO2max.


You can choosey

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