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Analysis tool: Quality sessions

This presented feature is a premium feature that is only available for Runalyze Early Premium subscribers. You can try the premium offer for free for 7 days or upgrade directly via your upgrade page.

In order to prepare optimally for the next competition, runners cannot avoid the necessary tempo training. Of course, training also includes all those countless kilometers at a comfortable pace. But to know where you stand performance-wise – if you don’t want to rely solely on Effective VO2max – you need to take a close look at your tempo training. The new analysis tool “Quality sessions” offers exactly that: a direct look at the tempo sessions.

The “Quality sessions” tool at a glance

The tool is divided into two parts. In the upper section, the current form (as Effective VO2max), the current training workload and the current values (and trends) for fitness, fatigue,stress

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