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Tool: Streak analysis

Streak running is running at least one mile a day and can be a wonderful motivator for some runners. Some runners keep it up not only for weeks, but even months or years. Have you ever tried streak running and do you know how long your longest streak was? Runalyze can tell you now!

Until now, Runalyze could only display the current streak in the statistics module (depending on the setting, only from X days). The new tool “Streaks view” offers much more in comparison.

The new tool “Streaks view” can be accessed in the list of tools or directly via the navigation in the header.

For a specific sport selection, all previous streaks are determined based on your training data and displayed as a table with time period, number of days, number of activities as well as total distance and duration. ![](https://cblog.runalyze.com/wp-content/uploads/2022

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