Hulp en Ondersteuning » Features

Activity tool: Climb Score

Climbing a mountain in running shoes or on the bike is always something special – not just since riders at the Tour de France show us how to conquer the toughest mountains. From now on, RUNALYZE will categorize all climbs in your activities and analyze them, from little hills of the 5th category up to mountains of ‘Hors catégorie’ (HC). The classification is based on the FIETS index, that uses length and gradient profile to calculate a single number for each climb. For a constant gradient, this is calculated as ascent [m] * ascent [m] / (distance [m] * 10) + (summit altitude [m] - 1000) / 1000.

| Category | FIETS | Examples | |----------|-------|---------| | HC | ≥ 6.5 | 25 km at 5% or 6,5 km at 10% or 2 km at 18.1% | | 1st | ≥ 5.0 | 20 km at 5% or 5 km at 10% or 2 km at 16% | | 2nd | ≥ 3.5 | 14 km at 5% or 4 km at 9.4% or 2 km at 13.3% | | 3rd | ≥ 2.0 | 8 km at 5% or 4 km at 7.1% or 2 km at 10% | | 4th | ≥ 0.5 | 2 km at5

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