Ayuda y soporte » Features

Personal API

With your personal API you can import activities and data on your own to Runalyze.

In a later version, the Premium model will also have extended read access to all your data.

Fair use: We ask you not to abuse the API. As long as valid data comes in, this is no problem. For now there is no limit to the number of requests. This may change in the future.

The personal API is basically the same API that external apps use from us. Just simpler for private and own use.


The available endpoints are documented at runalyze.com/doc/personal. Endpoints will be extended from time to time.

Generate token

You can generate tokens in your account at "Personal API" and always need to set an expire date. We recommend exchanging your tokens regularly.

How to make a call

To use one of the API endpoints you have to set a "token" header with the value of the created token.


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