Suport i ajuda » Features


Our search function lets you search or filter for almost any value your activities output.
You can find the search in the upper menu bar.

RUNALYZEs Search feature


Search for ranges

This is currently not supported. The search feature will be refactored in the future and we will consider this wish

Bulk functions

There are currently no bulk function so the search result. This feature will be available sometime in the future.

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Envieu-nos tots els vostres suggeriments i errades de funcionament que trobeu. Volem fer Runalyze tan bo com sigui possible per a vos. Per això ens cal saber quines són les seves propostes de millora o desitjos. La majoria de qüestions, problemes i idees s'haurien d'adreçar preferentment al fòrum.