Ayuda y soporte » Record and Sync


With the Dropbox connection you can on the one hand import activities (and later also health data) and if you are at least a Runalyze Supporter you can export activities automatically and get monthly the different health data exported as CSV.

Since Dropbox unfortunately only allows either complete access to the account (writing/reading) or only to the app folder, we have implemented two connections to Runalyze to reassure those who are a bit "worried" when we could theoretically have access to the complete content.

Using the "App" variant we also export activities, using the complete access variant we only import data.

Warning: Depending on the number of activities and if tcx files or fit files are written, 2GB won't be enough

Access only to the Dropbox App folder

The export of the data takes place when you are connected and have at least the supporter status. With this variant we only have access to the "Apps/Runalyze" folder and can read and write data. If you put data into the folder "/

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