Ayuda y soporte » Record and Sync

Different file types - Different behaviour

We get a lot of questions regarding file types: Which one is better and which one contains more data? To answer these questions we have created a table to show what we can import from each file type (as long as your device logged this data).

We always recommend to use the FIT or TCX file format. We really cannot recommend any other file format.

Legend for the table:

  • N = No
  • M = Maybe
  • C = Will be calculated if not present
  • CC = Will be calculated when a condition is given

|Type|FIT|TCX/TTBIN|GPX|PWX|hrm & gpx|Fitlog|Logbook (3)|kml/kmz|TRK|sml|slf|xml(Suunto)|csv(Epson)|hrm| |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- | |Distance|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓| |Startdate/time|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓| |Duration|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|✓|

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