Помощь и поддержка » Record and Sync


RUNALYZE now works with Fitbit. The automatic synchronization with Fitbit allows you to transfer your activities from Fitbit to Runalyze without any effort.

For the beginning it is only possible to transfer activities from Fitbit. Once we have refactored the health area, other data will also be transferable.

Connect your Fitbit account

Click on “Connect” in RUNALYZE

Grant RUNALYZE access to activities, gps and location, sleep, weight, heart rate and click on “Allow”

That’s all. After you’ve recorded a new activity we will sync that activity automatically into your RUNALYZE account.


Can I sync my Fitbit history to RUNALYZE?

Not yet, but we have this feature on our long to-do list.

What about sleep, weight, heart rate data?

We are refactoring thehealth

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