Ayuda y soporte » Record and Sync

A single activity has not been synchronized

You have connected your RUNALYZE account to Garmin, Polar, Suunto or Fitbit and an activity was not transferred?

Please wait some time and check our status page (https://status.runalyze.com/)). It can happen that single activities are not synchronized. Often we have no influence on it.

Maybe the vendor had a problem to provide the activity via the API, there was a temporary failure at the vendor or at us - the accepting side.
But, if that happens more than once check the Facebook Group and our status page. And ask the community at the Facebook Group if other people have the same problem too.


Please export the activity individually from the vendor and import it manually to RUNALYZE. We cannot download individual activities via the APIs and upload them to your accounts.
This text was translated automatically.

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