Aide et support » Record and Sync

Compatible sensors

As Garmin extended the FIT file format, external sensors can now write their own data into any FIT file. This allows third party devices to write data that’s not part of the official FIT specification. In addition, sensors can write their own data for common fields (e.g. distance, heart rate, power, ...) without being connected as the respective sensor. Previously, Stryd was only able to record power data in cycling mode.

We are trying to add all supported sensors to this list. Tell us if you know that we support further external sensors. - And, of course, provide us with sample files if your sensor is not supported but will definitely enhance the analysis.

SmO2 & THb

SmO2 (muscle tissue oxygen saturation) and THb (Total Hemoglobin concentration)

Moxy Monitor (Buy*)

BSX Insight (Buy*)


The well known Stryd power meter is supported. Most of the values recorded by Stryd are supported. Themissing

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