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TomTom: Synchronization and import

Direct sync with TomTom

Unfortunately, TomTom officially discontinued the sports watch division and blocked the API access for all new users. There is no chance for Runalyze to directly access the data saved at TomTom.

Local activity files on your computer

All files will be stored on your computer as soon as you connect your device. You will find a folder for every day with your *.ttbin files that you can upload to Runalyze:
OS (C:) / user / <name of user> / Tom Tom MySports / <name of clock>

iPhone App
Have a look at the following article at if you're using the iPhone App.

If you're using a MAC/Linux system you can get the files via usb or via bluetooth from your watch.

If you're using a Windows PC you can get the files via usb with this open source software.

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